Newbury and Thatcham Archers welcomes archers of all abilities and skill levels. We are an informal club and practice several types of archery, namely target, field and clout.
Our members use several different bow styles, including recurve, barebow, compound, long-bow and flat bow.
Our main archery field is based near the centre of Newbury, West Berkshire. We also have two field archery venues. One near Newbury and the other in Thatcham.
Please note that carbon-only arrows are not permitted at our main archery field.
Types of Archery
Target Archery
Target archery is the type of archery practiced at the Olympics. Archers shoot a set number of arrows at targets set at specific distances. Your score is based on where your arrows land on the target face, with the central gold area attracting the highest score.
Archers can choose from several different bow styles, although beginners tend to start with recurve bows which are easier to use than others.
This type of archery takes place at our outdoor archery field.
For more information on target archery, see this link.
Field Archery
Our field archery venues are set up in a couple of local woodlands. Archers shoot up to three arrows at different targets in sequence. The targets are set up amongst the trees and you might have to shoot uphill or downhill and across ravines. The targets are different sizes and are set up at different, unmarked distances. At our venues the targets have pictures of animals with different scoring rings. Field archery is a great way of keeping fit and enjoying the outdoors.
Archers can choose from several different bow styles, including compound.
Our two field archery venues are open to members only, on selected weekend shooting days throughout the year.
For more information on field archery, see this link.
Clout archery is an old form of archery in which archers shoot arrows over long distances to a target. The target is the clout, which is a round disc or a small flag on a vertical stick, stuck in the ground and placed up to 180 yards away.
Scoring zones are defined by concentric circles emanating from the flag pole/target. Each arrow scores points depending on which scoring zone it enters the ground in. An arrow embedded in the flag pole/target is counted as being in the highest scoring zone.
Clout shooting takes place at our main archery field.
For more information on clout archery, see this link.
Club Meets
Regular club meetings take place at our main archery field on a Saturday morning, 10am-12pm.
On club meets you are free to shoot independently or join in with the organised activities.
Club Competitions
The club runs a number of competitions throughout the year for members and awards medals and other prizes to the winners. The competitions include a number of fun shoots as well as slightly more formal target and field shoots. The competitions are great for socialising with other members and help us to enhance our archery skills.